Mary Jane Clark

Monday, April 24, 2023 4:03 PM

Mary Jane Clark

On Friday, April 21, Mom was the first one at the Gallery. She usually has been for the past 40 years. She would unlock the building, get the lights on, fire up the computer, and get the Gallery ready for business.

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It's Native American Heritage Day!

Friday, November 25, 2022 6:22 PM

It's Native American Heritage Day!

Yes, there is a day to recognize and celebrate Native American Heritage. It is the day after Thanksgiving. The month of November is Native American Heritage Month.

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A Child's Beaded Jacket and Purse by Juanita Longknife Lefthand Tucker

Barbara Wells had an unusual childhood. Her father, J.W. “Duke” Wellington, was the superintendent of the Fort Belknap/Rocky Boy Reservations from 1946 - 1954. The Fort Belknap Reservation is shared by two Native American tribes, the Gros Ventre and the Assiniboine, a tribe belonging to the linguistic family of the Sioux.

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4 Comments Posted in Beadwork
Durango Native Stories and The Cody Old West Show

Nothing is more interesting to history buffs than hearing tales told by those who lived them. Jack Turner is a fifth generation Durangatang (slang for Durango Native), who is committed to preserving those memories.

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Historic Bandolier Bags and a Belt from the Ojibwe

Tuesday, February 21, 2017 4:58 PM

Historic Bandolier Bags and a Belt from the Ojibwe

The Bandolier bag was first created in the mid-1800's by the Ojibwe people of Northern Minnesota. They are also known as the Chippewa or “Anishinaabe” in their language.

Anthropologists believe they settled in Minnesota in the 1500's and by the 1600's had been in contact with fur trappers who were discovering the rich trapping areas in the Northern Midwest.

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