Jemez Pueblo is located fifty miles northwest of Albuquerque and dates back to 1703. The pottery varies widely, depending upon the potter. Juanita Fragua is known for her melon styles pots, but she creates other styles, as well. The Fragua and Gachupin familes are among the most well-known for fine pottery.
Regular Price:$875.00
$875.00Regular Price:$130.00
$130.00Regular Price:$250.00
$250.00Regular Price:$250.00
$250.00Regular Price:$250.00
$250.00Regular Price:$250.00
$250.00Regular Price:$1,400.00
$1,400.00Regular Price:$450.00
$450.00Regular Price:$1,100.00
$1,100.00Regular Price:$2,130.00