Our geometric weavings include those weavings we cannot place under any of the other listings, including those fine pieces that are Hispanic, rather than Navajo.
Regular Price:$450.00
Regular Price:$375.00
Regular Price:$1,575.00
Regular Price:$16,500.00
Regular Price:$2,100.00
Regular Price:$500.00
Regular Price:$9,500.00
Regular Price:$600.00
Regular Price:$5,000.00
Regular Price:$2,400.00
Regular Price:$1,800.00
Regular Price:$225.00
Regular Price:$220.00
Regular Price:$265.00
Regular Price:$295.00
Regular Price:$300.00
Regular Price:$350.00
Regular Price:$200.00
Regular Price:$7,500.00
Regular Price:$425.00
Regular Price:$2,550.00
Regular Price:$1,500.00
Regular Price:$1,350.00
We look forward to seeing you!