Elsie Glander won a Best of Show Ribbon for this weaving in 2001. Elsie wove this at the Cameron Trading Post in the 1990's and in 2001 it won Best in Category for Large Rugs and it also won First Prize at the INTER-TRIBAL INDIAN CEREMONIAL IN Gallup, New Mexico in 2001. Elsie passed away in 2020. Elsie Glander was an accomplished weaver, she would buy wool and wash it and re-spin it. This gave her weavings the fine weave, and detail that she was so well known for. This rug is 9 by 11 feet. The weaving belonged to a gentleman from Durango, Colorado area, he actually saw Elsie weaving it at the Cameron Trading Post and bought it before she had it finished. Condition is excellent. What a treasure.